Leimert Park Beautification Project - As Promised!
The Leimert Park Garden Tour Committee is thrilled to report that we were able to implement our first Leimert Park beautification project on Saturday, October 27, 2018: the planting of an additional six trees and over two hundred drought-tolerant flowering plants on the Degnan traffic circle median. This median is located prominently in a major traffic artery on Degnan Blvd. just north of MLK Blvd., and is a well-traveled route to the Metro Expo line. We are especially grateful for the support of so many who contributed to the success of this project. A big THANK YOU to our neighborhood volunteers who showed up early on a warm Saturday morning to lend a hand with planting, as well as these wonderful partners:
We hope that you’ll enjoy this new addition to the Leimert Park neighborhood, and we encourage you to come out to the next Leimert Park Garden Tour.